Breast Augmentation Revisions

Before Surgery

43 year old lady with breast augmentation 14 years ago. Misshapen droopy breasts, wide cleavage and painful capsular contractures.

After Surgery

Two months after capsulectomy and exchange of implants with breast uplift. Swelling settled and scars settling.

Before Surgery

Breast droop, capsular contractures, wide chest scar; years after implant and uplift for chest wall and breast deformities.

After Surgery

Ten days after second stage serial lipofilling and scar revision. Implant removed and Redo uplift six months earlier. Relief of symptoms and improved shape. Note, residual swelling and glue over scar revision yet to come off.

Before Surgery

40 year old patient with breast implants 12 years earlier. Breast droop, high implant positions.

After Surgery

3 months after

Before Surgery

39 year old breast augmentation patient 12 years earlier; post pregnancy changes. Planned exchange of implants and uplift.

After Surgery

3 months after exchange of implant and uplift.

Before Surgery

44 year old lady presenting with painful mis-shaped breasts caused by severe capsular contractures 13 years after augmentation.

After Surgery

Result one year after capsulectomy and exchange of implants with correction of widened cleavage.

Before Surgery

38 year old lady presented with painful breasts six years after breast augmentation. Patient also wants larger cup size.

After Surgery

One week after capsulectomy and exchange for larger implants. 330cc implants replaced with 420cc tear-drop, textured implants.


Breast Augmentation


Bilateral Breast Reduction